CPBL Starting Pitcher Ranks: ING

There are many factors that contribute to good pitching performances. However, the CPBL is a league unlike any other and most common and advanced stats have difficulty accurately assessing a pitcher's true value. A starting pitcher's ability to keep the ball on the ground and go seven innings are huge positives in a league with multiple .400 hitters and inconsistent bullpens. Therefore, I created a formula that helps to highlight these aspects of a pitcher’s game that are maybe more beneficial in the CPBL than in other baseball leagues.

The last rankings were in May and can be seen here, however, some minor changes have been made to the formula since then. So, if you're not into all the numbers behind the SP primer, feel free to skip the next couple of paragraphs.  

So what is ING?

(League AVG pitches per inning / pitches per inning) X ({GO/FO}÷2) + innings pitched per start)

FIPt = ((HRx13) + (BB + HBP) x 2.7) - (K x 2) / IP) + 2.63 cFIP -- or league constant

This new formula rewards pitchers who go deep, get ground balls, keep the ball in the park and don’t walk people, all while being as efficient as possible with their pitch count. Basically, ING is efficiency as a ratio to things that only the pitcher can control (FIP). Bigger is better with ING.

Note: some minor tweaks have been made to the formula. I have cut the overall value of GO/FO in half because some pitchers are having success recording more flyouts than groundouts. Also, I have lowered the (BB+HBP)x3 in the FIP to x2.7 because I feel a walk in a hitters league isn't as detrimental as in other leagues.

Tier 1 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
3.20 ING and up

Brothers No. 5 Bryan Woodall
9-4, 3.34 ERA (4.33 ING)

Guardians No. 39 Mike Loree
6-3, 1.99 ERA (4.22 ING)

Monkeys No. 74 Zeke Spruill
9-1, 2.35 ERA (3.43 ING)

Tier 2 🌟🌟🌟🌟
2.7-3.20 ING

Monkeys No. 33 Darin Downs
7-1, 3.10 ERA (3.09 ING)

Brothers No. 38 Bruce Kern III
8-3, 4.14 ERA (2.78 ING)

Lions No. 26 Bruce Billings
6-8, 3.55 ERA (2.73 ING)⬆

Tier 3 🌟🌟🌟
2.00-2.70 ING

Brothers No 78 Orlando Roman
3-4, 4.17 ERA (2.61 ING)⬆

Monkeys No. 40 Zack Segovia
9-5, 4.17 ERA (2.40 ING)⬆

Monkeys No. 32 Wang Yi-Cheng
6-5, 3.90 ERA (2.34 ING)⬆

Brothers No. 19 Cheng Kai-Wen
5-5, 4.46 ERA (2.31 ING)

Tier 4 🌟🌟
1.20-2.00 ING

Brothers No. 95 Cheng Chi-Hung
2-0, 5.11 ERA (1.93 ING)

Lions No. 18 Pan Wei-Lun
1-2, 4.60 ERA (1.68 ING)

Monkeys No. 15 Lin Hua-Ching
4-1, 5.20 ERA (1.55 ING)

Lions No. 44 Alfredo Figaro
3-7, 6.80 ERA (1.42 ING)

Guardians No. 44 Scott Richmond
4-5, 5.40 ERA  (1.37 ING)⬆

Guardians No. 23 Chris Seddon
2-9, 5.92 ERA (1.23 ING) released

Tier 5 🌟
1.20 ING and down

Lions No. 10 Liao Wen-Yang
3-4, 4.29 ERA (1.19 ING)

Guardians No. 38 Huang Yi-Chih
1-4, 6.99 ERA (1.04 ING)

Guardians No. 77 Lin Cheng-Hsien
2-3, 3.83 ERA (1.01 ING)

Lions No. 16 Chiang Chen-Yen
0-4, 6.43 ERA  (0.95 ING)

Guardians No. 78 Chen Ming-Hsuan
1-3, 8.31 ERA (0.63 ING)


  1. Although the rating formula that you have shared, is somehow difficult to understand but however, shows that all teams will be able to get better ranking with hard effort.
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